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This package contains two parametric models that are Parametric_Clip_Alveolar_Sampler [FCStd] and Parametric_Clip_Hose_Holder [FCStd] for two different samplers (basic sampler and cyclone sampler). The STL files of the printed version of the models are also available for download. An image of the printed models along with the cyclone sampler holder is also provided. The models are created using FreeCAD which is a free, open source software that is readily available over the internet. The parametric nature of the models allows for making changes to the model with ease according to the thickness and width of the harness and/or the diameter of the hose(s). The thickness and height of the clip-on itself, and the assembly or print clearances can also be changed easily. These parameters can be accessed in the embedded spreadsheet of the respective models. Please be advised that Boolean operations may fail upon regeneration due to the CAD kernel of the software. Use the latest version of the software and try different values of the parametric parameters to overcome this limitation. 2ff7e9595c